Jade Pilkington
(Because I’m HAPPY… clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ?!)
Hello everyone! My name is Jade and I have been blessed enough to be a teacher here at Junior Junction pre-school for about 9 years. The last two of those years I have been privileged enough to teach the Owl class which is our Grade R group. I am married and have two beautiful boys who have both passed through Junior Junction pre-school.
Okay, so back to the topic. Firstly, I don’t pretend to be an expert in this area by any means and I will be the first to admit that creating a peaceful and happy classroom has taken me quite a long time to learn. I am a teacher which means I never get to stop learning!
For the most part I believe that a happy teacher creates a happy classroom, much like a happy wife equates to a happy life. But I am HAPPY to say that I think I have also learned a few basics about it over the years! And so I’m happy to share that with you. Here it goes.
- Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared!
As a teacher it is always a good idea to set up all your areas before your children arrive. This makes them feel like you are ready for them when they get there, and they are not in your way while you are busy running around trying to get organized. Preparation and planning is NB in any school environment, even if it means setting up your areas the day before. A planned, organized class and teacher makes for a smooth day. Always have extra work prepared just in case your kiddies finish early and have some extra time on their hands. - Calm is key
Children are very intuitive. No seriously! They can see straight through you! When a child arrives at your classroom they can feel the vibe you give off. It’s always a good idea to leave your chaotic morning at the door when you get to school. Who knows what type of morning they have had at home, or what issues they have been going through as a family. Peace and love should be the atmosphere in your classroom. And if you’re in a bad mood, and carrying yesterday’s baggage around your day probably won’t be as successful as you planned. Being cheerful is not always the easiest thing to do as we all have personal lives which affect our emotions and day, but that is not your children’s problem. They don’t see you as human, you are their teacher and they need you their mind, heart and soul. So Breathe in, breathe out, say a little prayer, play some happy music, sing a happy song and get over it. At least for the time you are at work! - Being Silly and free to be me!
Here’s a great one! This nugget of information has made my job so much more enjoyable. Just because we are teachers and have the responsibility of educating little humans, does not mean we have to be boring and serious All THE TIME. Shocking, I know! It’s not only okay to laugh and be silly with our children, it is in fact very NECESSARY! They need it, and believe me, so do you! In each lesson that’s done in my classroom, my aim is not always necessarily for them to know exactly what I’m teaching them off by heart at the end of the year. Yes, I said that! The heart of teaching is to help them develop a LOVE FOR LEARNING. They develop a love for learning by having fun in the classroom and being challenged and stirred. Igniting a passion and curiosity for learning itself is the goal in my classroom. The Learning happens on that road to discovery.
It’s not rocket science, but it is some things which have been true for me in my experience. Hope it helps!
Jade Pilkington